Welcome to GlassLinks |
This site evolved out of my ever-increasing list of glass-related bookmarks/favourites so I decided to make the list available to others who may be interested in glass. There are many thousands of websites covering glass - this site does not claim to be a comprehensive list but may point you towards some you've not found before, or serve as a handy index of sites you do know about.
[Illustration above shows two Chance Brothers glass paperweights, photo is © Anne Nichols, 2008, and may not be copied or reproduced elsewhere without her written consent.]
Scotland's Glass - Ysart Glass - Glass Zoo - Glass Study
The above sites offer one of the best subscription deals for glass information. Digitising many out-of-print publications which are then searchable, giving easy access to books and magazines and catalogues which otherwise are simply not available, or take serious travel to find, these sites are worth supporting. For a summary of the sites' contents please read the topic on the Glass Message Board here: http://www.glassmessages.com/index.php/topic,16602.0.html
Glass Books by Angela Bowey
Lampworked Glass :: Bagley Glass :: New Zealand Glass
Broadfield House Glass Museum has Closed

Please do visit the website of The Friends of Broadfield House for news of the new museum to replace BHGM http://www.friendsofbroadfieldhouse.co.uk/
glass books |
about glass books
art nouveau & art deco
dk guides
general ref
new zealand